Thursday, October 31, 2019

Inktober: Monster Mash: Days 21-31

And with today, October 31st, Inktober is officially over (or will be once the clock turns to midnight on November 1st). With all the activities I've had going on this month on top of Inktober, I am pleasantly surprised to find that I have finished the 31 day challenge. If you ask my DeviantArt followers, I usually struggle with my 7 day challenges (at least finishing them in the time frame-I do finish them...eventually). 

I will be posting tomorrow or over the weekend, the process that went into these ink drawings (I know I said that last time but life got in the way). In the meantime, enjoy the last Inktober pieces.

(Dingo X Vicuna)

(Dung Beetle X Crocodile)

(X-Ray Tetra X Bonobo)
(Squirrel X Ibex)

(Skunk X Abyssinian)
(Bumble Bee X Tiger Barb Fish)

(Adelie Penguin X Warthog)

(Cougar X Wolverine)

(Octopus X Asian Giant Hornet)

(Yak X Opossum)

(Guinea Pig X Lion X Rhino)

Inktober is done! 

For some reason I decided that NaNoWriMo is next. Wish me luck!

Till the next time!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inktober: Monster Mash: Days 11-20

Over halfway through the month & man has it been a journey! I forgot just how much I loved ink as a medium...usually. I do wish I had more tips to use rather than just fine pointed ones, but alas, I was not able to get any before the month began (or since).

There will be a post between this one and 21-31 post on the process that goes into these critters. It's not just quick sketches of creatures. Alas, that is for a different post! This one is just for the ink drawings! So without further ado: Days 11-20.

(Day 11: Fur Seal X Monarch Caterpillar)
Can I just say that I love this critter? Seal with stripes & antenna is adorable!

(Day 12: Musk Deer X Boer Goat)

(Day 13: Ring-Tailed Lemur X Mynah Bird)
These gel pens offer a different challenge in that there is no true brown and there is definitely no black! So trying to get black areas or brown (or in this case lack of brown) is an exciting endeavor. 

(Day 14: Water Buffalo X Mouse)

(Day 15: Zebu X Zebra)
Day 15 was another of my favorites. I felt I achieved a reasonable blend of both animals (unlike in some other ones). 

(Day 16: Appaloosa X Eland)
While I am completely biased with these last two days (equines) I really do like how the Appaloosa X Eland of Day 16 turned out. Even if it is dominantly an equine form rather than any deer attributes.

(Day 17: Hippopotamus X Chipmunk)

(Day 18: Shrew X Reindeer)

(Day 19: Orangutan X Dormouse)

(Day 20: Snowy Owl X Grizzly Bear)
With Day 20, I had reached a point in the day of "Why did I decide that I needed to keep the Snowy Owl's markings?!" as well as "Why did I decide that I should start this so late in the day?! Sleep is required!" It was worth it though! 

That's 11-20 only eleven more days left! Do you have any favorites so far? 

Till the next time!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Inktober: Monster Mash: Days 1-10

Inktober is off to a great start! We’re ten days in & I’m ready for more! It’s been fantastic to use Indian Ink again & I received some awesome gel pens from my friend, Shannon for when I was away this past weekend.

Here they are!

(Day 1: Silver Fox X Koala)

(Day 2: Jackal X Mandrill)

(Day 3: Boar X Sonoran Desert Toad)

(Day 4: Ewe X Chameleon-my favorite so far.)
(Day 5: Walrus X Eagle Owl)

(Day 6: Gila Monster X Aardvark. My favorite of the two gel pen pieces.)

(Day 7: Beaver X Alpaca)

(Day 8: Bighorn Sheep X Clown Fish)

(Day 9: Platypus X Vampire Bat)

(Day 10: Quagga X Ermine)

Days 1-10 are done & I'm stoked for the other 21! Anyone else doing Inktober? Did you stick with the actual prompts or did you decide to do something different? Let me know!

Till the next time!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Studio Planning

Sometimes my full time job & part time job take time away from my art. This has been the case these past couple weeks (and I caught a cold-bleh!). Even though I wasn’t able to paint as much these past couple weeks, there has been lots of planning.

October is Inktober. Thanks to my DeviantArt watchers, I am participating, but with my own theme: Monster Mash. Two randomly generated animals will be combined to create an all new creature. So every ten days I will share them here for everyone to view.

I do intend to continue working on the Stablemates & minis for the Oct. mini show as well as acrylic paintings (maybe even some watercolor paintings as I’ve been wanting to do those again too).

Enjoy a couple horse pictures of the lesson horses from my part-time job as a riding instructor.

Till the next time!