Monday, February 24, 2020

NaMoPaiMo: Week IV: I DID IT!!!

Unlike in previous weeks, I actually did some work on Saturday before driving out to a second interview & job shadowing over the weekend. With the texture now showing through on the scales, I was torn on whether or not to still use the glitter polish. The shading looked nice and I just wasn't sure. So I texted some friends as well as asking on Model Horse Blab.

While waiting for replies on the subject of "glitter or no glitter" I glossed the eyes, hooves, antler and scutes of my kirin to make them stand out a bit more from the body.

Saturday night and into Sunday afternoon I was busy interviewing and job shadowing. Once I got home, I eagerly looked at what friends and Model Horse Blabbers had to say about "glitter or no glitter"...

It was tied. 

(Paint with the glitter polish compared to the Kirin)
I was reassured by this answer as it told me I probably wouldn't ruin my Kirin by using the glitter polish. That being said, I glossed the scales as they were, not wanting to risk it.

With a reminder to add chestnuts from the NaMoPaiMo Facebook group painters, I added chestnuts to my kirin as well as my signature on the bottom of a front hoof.

(Don't forget your chestnuts!)
It wasn't until this morning that I looked at my kirin again and felt unsatisfied with the scales as they were. The shading underneath had been done under the assumption that the scale texture would not show up through the layers of paint and polish. While the shading didn't look bad, I wasn't 100% satisfied with it either. On went the polish with my heart in my throat!

I nearly cried...

From joy! 

My kirin now looked exactly how I'd envisioned! His scales shone like jewels, his color was semi-realistic on his fur, and I'd used multiple mediums to achieve this look just like I'd declared from the start! I did it! Meet Emerarudo! 

While this is technically the end of my NaMoPaiMo adventures, there will still be a post for Mini Adventures and a "reflections" post from my experiences this year.

Till the next time!

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